The best events for a traveling data scientist
We get it! You love gatherings where the best data science and advanced analytic knowledge is shared. The research papers, the workshops, the posters, the keynote speakers, and the applied use cases are a great way of getting fresh perspectives and ideas. We also know that you love the chance to enjoy the best cities where these events are organized. That’s why we curated a list of some of the best events in Data Science, AI, Computing and financial analytics, without leaving behind some fun and good food recommendations.
AI & Data Science in Trading | More info

This is a major conference if you want to understand how to apply artificial intelligence and machine learning within the investment industry. An event for hedge fund managers and investment banks. There are also workshops for data scientists with R, Python or Julia.

Spark + AI Summit | More info

This is the world’s largest event for the apache spark community. It now includes practical AI uses cases and Machine Learning.

The Web Conference | More info

Formerly known as the WWW conference, it is a premier forum for discussion and debate on the evolution of the Web, the standardization of its associated technologies, and the impact of these technologies on society and culture.

Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS) | More info

Highly reputable summer school in Machine Learning and two weeks of lectures with the most prominent speakers in the field. (There is another one in Aug-Sept in Russia).

KDD (Knowledge Discovery In Databases) | More info

Top (A*) conference in Data Mining, Applied Machine Learning and Data Science. In recent years, it has become one of the few top conferences featuring an “Applied Data Science Track”. This is the track where Google presented the paper on its Smart Replies technology or on the TFX environment.

RecSys | More info

The ACM Recommender Systems Conference (RecSys) is the premier international forum for the presentation of new research results, systems and techniques in the broad field of recommender systems.

Data Council | More info

Previously known as DataEngConf, Data Council is an industrial event focused on data engineering issues, including data platforms, software engineering, data pipelines and data science. The format consists of presentations with a fair amount of technical content. It also features a section called “Office hours” where each speaker gets a slot to debate and network with participants.

ICDM. International Conference on Data Mining | More info

One of the two leading A* conferences in Data Science (together with KDD), ICDM has a somewhat smaller audience than its sister conference. Its research mostly comes from academia, although a large body of work is focused on real-world problems, and collaborations with industry. Its high competitivity guarantees that attendees won’t be disappointed. Besides the main conference, an array of workshops and tutorials complete the offer with highly specialized forums and training opportunities.

NeurIPS | More info

Neural Information Processing Systems is the leading Conference on Machine Learning, currently with a strong focus on – but by no means limited to- Representation Learning and Deep Learning. Also several satellite workshops and tutorials are given by highly reputable researchers, thus providing further training opportunities.